Monday, March 21, 2011


  1. Bobby- The design is engaging, however you need to post the essay that goes along with the design so that I know that you know all of the design terms / concepts. Here's this, too.

    Here’s the on-line assignment for today (since I’ve had to cancel class due to the weather)
    If you are unable to leave these comments below, please email them to me!

    1. Visit 5 of your classmates blogs at this link and leave constructive comments:

    2. Your comment must cover the following:
    Which three design principles could be considered more carefully in order to improve your (5) classmate’s overall designs, and how should these principles be specifically implemented? Be very specific to receive full credit. Remember, you are critique five (5) different projects made by five of your classmates.

    3. With each of the five (5) designs you chose for question #1, choose one (1) personality “word/term” and describe how this word could be adjusted in order to reflect its meaning more accurately. Which design principles should be implemented (and how should they be specifically used) in order to get the “word or personality term” to express its meaning more directly?

    Good luck and see you Monday!
    Professor Groat

  2. My eye seems to go straight to the & so that should be made smaller or much lighter so it is not the focal point. the word distant is so light in the background that at first glance it looks like a very large negative area. You could either stretch the word out or create repetition throughout that negative area by repeating it. I don't think there is enough variety in the scale of the words.

  3. Yes, I agree with Sandy. It's an engaging and very inventive design, however the "&" takes the center stage too much.

  4. I really enjoy the design. I think you could space everything out a little more and use more variation in the font sizes. Also, your top right hand corner is crowded where the lower left hand corner is somewhat empty.
