In this piece I really wanted to show the raw emotion in each of the words. The use of different use of COLOR, TEXTURE, and fonts used in this TYPEOGRAPHY. I tried to make the focal point the large sick & tired. By fading the green and making it a blotchy font, I tried to make the COLOR of sick reflect mucus and sneezing. The large & has a large thick LINE around the outside with nothing on the inside. I wanted to make it look like it was walled off, but with nothing really on the inside. I liked the stressed and chaotic TEXTURE in the font for tired. I wanted to make it look like someone who was extremely tired and lashed out on the piece of paper. I used a font for the word stressed that made me anxious and uneasy, which was how someone stressed out would feel. After reading stressed I wanted the eye to move to the large NEGATIVE SPACE above with the word distant in the center. I made the SIZE of word very small to make it seem off in the distance, along with putting the word far from any others. Finally came the REPITITION of the word confused. I thought this repetition added to the words meaning, and makes the viewer ask why is it repeated? I changed the SIZE and SHAPE of the font inside the word. The first confused had an accent on the con with very loopy letters and a starry color. This was done to show the attitude of someone confused staring into the stars wondering where the answers are going to come from. The second confused shows a darker side of the word. I wanted it to represent confusion and indecision on a deadline. The COLOR of the word seems to be getting hotter and hotter until the climatic FU, when you can’t come to a conclusion. Then the last confused is an emphasis on the faded used. Showing the person who is being taken advantaged of because they are confused.
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